I hope everyone had a wonderful, blessing-filled Christmas! Ours was overflowing with blessings of family, food and of course, gifts! We didn't get a White Christmas - we did get some rain and icy roads, but we made it home safely! It's snowing like crazy now, I think we are supposed to get 1-3 inches today. I love the snow!
I want to share one of my favorite dreams with you - to get snowed in! I know that sounds crazy, but of course it's MY dream, so I have stipulations: There's plenty of food in the house, the power doesn't go out, and everyone that we know and love is safe and warm! Then comes the lovely part: We play games, we watch family movies, and there is no arguing! There are no responsibilities except the very basics and we just get to relax and enjoy each other's company!
I think the main reason that this is a dream (fantasy) of mine is because of the lack of responsibility part. No work, no school, no plans of my own making, just relaxation without guilt! Of course the beauty of it is that if you are snowed in, it's not your fault if you can't do the things you are "supposed" to be doing! Right? Guilt-free relaxation!
Of course, during that relaxation time, I'll enjoy time studying my Bible, and my new Bible Maps (which I just got for Christmas), and I'll get to have wonderful moments with my husband and kids! So you see, it's not all selfishness! Why DO we feel guilty for taking time to relax? We always schedule and fill up all of our time with things to do. I know there must be millions of blogs and devotionals dedicated to how important it is to follow the lead given to us in the Bible. We should use Sundays to rest, as God rested on the seventh day. They even let the land rest every seven years! Our Sundays are always comprised of two services totaling over three hours. Plus the travel to and from church (a half hour drive for us each way). We sometimes add choir practice, family get-togethers, lunch with friends, last minute shopping, work around the house, etc. Why do we do this to ourselves? Instead of starting out on Mondays feeling reconnected and rejuvenated, we are already on day two of over-scheduled and stressed out!
What I find ironic about this all is that while we are attempting to follow the Biblical Precepts - church, family,and all, we find ourselves ignoring others, such as the day of rest! How do we balance it all? How do we do all the right thing such as witnessing for Christ to those around us, helping others in need (even if it's just a relative who needs help with their computer), teaching others about Christ, attending all the church services, leading the children in Sunday School, singing in the choir, rasising your children, growing in Christ with your spouse, working full time, fellowshiping with friends, and that's just to name a few! How do you do it all, and find time to relax and have a wonderful Christ-like attitude! My question is, how do you "do it all" without hurting anyone's feelings or ignoring your biblical responsibilities? Does anyone have any input?
God Bless
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